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MSU 한국어 TA 모집(12/8 마감)
  • 작성자 : 관리자
MSU 한국어 TA 모집

MSU에서 Korean을 가르칠 MA TESOL 석사 또는 Second Language Studies 박사 학위 졸업생을 모집하고 있습니다. 12월 8일까지 지원할 경우 Korean TA가 가능함을 작성해주시기 바랍니다. 학비가 무료이며, 의료보험과 생활비가 따로 제공되니 아래의 공지 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

The Michigan State University Second Language Studies (SLS) PhD program is seeking a potential Teaching Assistant to teach in the MSU Korean Program while obtaining a PhD in Second Language Studies at Michigan State University. Prospective applicants should apply to the MSU SLS degree Program by December 8, 2023.



Please note in your application, in the Statement of Purpose, that you are applying to be a Teaching Assistant for Korean.

Individuals with a BA in Korean, a high-level of Korean proficiency, and a keen interest in conducting research on Korean-as-a-Second-Language Acquisition (Korean SLA) are preferred.


The TAship would cover tuition costs, health insurance, and provide a monthly stipend. The position would start August 16, 2024.


For more information, please email Professor Paula Winke (winke@msu.edu).